Компилирование ядра с поддержкой автозагрузки модулей
0) cd /usr/src/linux 1) make menuconfig Where I enable the features I want as odules (for vfat support you should answer M for FAT and VFAT) Besides, the kernel must be compiled with modversion and kerneld support enabled.(This is the second submenu in the config - select all the 3 items). 2) make install At the end the old kernel (if it's /vmlinuz) will be renamed /vmlinuz.old and the new will be /vmlinuz. This option calls the script /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/ which does the above renaming and runs lilo.If you don't want lilo just comment out the last line in that script. 3) make modules 4) rm /lib/modules/2.0.0 (or move to another location) 5) make modules_install 6) VERY IMPORTANT to make linux boot the new kernel. If you use lilo do not edit /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/, it will install it automaticly,if not then you are using either loadlin or bootdisk.Either way update your bootdisk or loadlin kernel (on your dos partition I guess). 7) Reboot linux.
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